Daniele Testa è un fotografo pubblicitario, editoriale e di belle arti nato e cresciuto nel nord-ovest Italia. Le sue passioni sono fare sport all'aria aperta, le mostre d'arte, l'artigianato a 360 gradi, le moto e le auto d'epoca, il design e ovviamente...la fotografia.
Daniele Testa is an advertising, editorial and fine art photographer born and raised in the north-west of Italy. Her passions are outdoor sports, art exhibitions, craftsmanship at 360 degrees, motorcycles and vintage cars, design and of course ... photography.

“Collettive Exhibition” Triennale della Fotografia
Padiglione Armenia - Venice
"Winner" Press & Outdoor Key Award
Gruppo Media Key - Milan
"Official Honorable Mention" - Self Promotion -
International Photography Awards - Los Angeles
Saatchi Art’s Collective Exhibition
Exhibition organized by Saatchi Art's Hayley Miner curated by Jamie Lee Curtis
"Winner" Portrait contest -
Casa dei Tre Oci - Venice
The Exposure Award
Exhibition in New York City
"Official Honorable Mention" - Fine Art - People - Deeper Perspective -
International Photography Awards - Los Angeles
"Shortlist" Top TEN photographers in the Campaign category -
Sony World Photography Award - London
"ShortList" - Advertising - 5th Annual Photography Masters Cup
Photography Masters Cup - London
"Official Honorable Mention" - Fine Art -
International Photography Awards - Los Angeles
"Official Honorable Mention" - People -
International Photography Awards - Los Angeles
"Official Honorable Mention" - Personality -
International Photography Awards. Los Angeles
"Official Honorable Mention" - Portrait -
International Photography Awards - Los Angeles
"Official Honorable Mention" Contest Marinella Cassina
Marinella Cassina - Brescia
" 2nd place " Demotix Portraits Competition
"Official Honorable Mention" - People/ Culture -
International Photography Awards - Los Angeles
"Official Honorable Mention" - People/ Personality -
PX3 Prix de la Photographie - Paris
"Commended" London Photography Association. London
London Photography Association
"Winner" Contest "La mia terra"
Comune di Bra
"Official selection" Reneissance Photography Prize 2010.
Reneissance - London
"ShortList" Tau Visual -
Tau Visual - Milan