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Daniele Testa è un fotografo pubblicitario, editoriale e di belle arti nato e cresciuto nel nord-ovest Italia. Le sue passioni sono fare sport all'aria aperta, le mostre d'arte, l'artigianato a 360 gradi, le moto e le auto d'epoca, il design e fotografia. 

Daniele Testa is an advertising, editorial and fine art photographer born and raised in the north-west of Italy. Her passions are outdoor sports, art exhibitions, craftsmanship at 360 degrees, motorcycles and vintage cars, design and of course ... photography. 


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“Collettive Exhibition” Triennale della Fotografia

Padiglione Armenia - Venice

"Winner" Press & Outdoor Key Award

Gruppo Media Key - Milan

"Official Honorable Mention" - Self Promotion -

International Photography Awards - Los Angeles

Saatchi Art’s Collective Exhibition 

Exhibition organized by Saatchi Art's Hayley Miner curated by Jamie Lee Curtis

"Winner" Portrait contest -

Casa dei Tre Oci - Venice

The Exposure Award 

Exhibition in New York City

"Official Honorable Mention" - Fine Art - People - Deeper Perspective -

International Photography Awards - Los Angeles

"Shortlist" Top TEN photographers in the Campaign category -

Sony World Photography Award - London

"ShortList" - Advertising - 5th Annual Photography Masters Cup

Photography Masters Cup - London

"Official Honorable Mention" - Fine Art -

International Photography Awards - Los Angeles

"Official Honorable Mention" - People -

International Photography Awards - Los Angeles

"Official Honorable Mention" - Personality -

International Photography Awards. Los Angeles

"Official Honorable Mention" - Portrait -

International Photography Awards - Los Angeles

"Official Honorable Mention" Contest Marinella Cassina

Marinella Cassina - Brescia

" 2nd place " Demotix Portraits Competition


"Official Honorable Mention" - People/ Culture -

International Photography Awards - Los Angeles

"Official Honorable Mention" - People/ Personality -

PX3 Prix de la Photographie - Paris

"Commended" London Photography Association. London

London Photography Association

"Winner" Contest "La mia terra"

Comune di Bra

"Official selection" Reneissance Photography Prize 2010.

Reneissance - London

"ShortList" Tau Visual - 

Tau Visual - Milan

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